Archives for posts with tag: 811X

Last June 2021, PS 811X partnered with the New York Restoration Project. What lovely photos!

Hope to see more from 811X this June!

Check out this new film that profiles two of our PLG schools and their incredible stories. Here is the link to the film and a short blurb about it. Enjoy!

Plant, Learn, Grow is a profile of two schools in New York City located in “Food Deserts,” areas where it is difficult to find fresh, healthy produce. One school is located in the South Bronx, and one school in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. The students deal with more than lack of healthy food. They are challenged with intellectual, communication, and emotional issues. This is the story of the gardens they built, the food they grew, and the impact this rich harvest had on the students and their communities.

On June 10, two of our PLG schools, 811X and 94M, participated in the Leave it Better Film Festival at the New York Botanical Garden. Their films were shown on the big screen, and they participated in outdoor activity stations including making chlorophyll prints with spinach leaves and learning about seed dispersal with Greg.

Preparing for the winter: composting, final harvest and winter cover crops at the 811X outdoor garden. Also, the 811X Farmers Market is up and running every Thursday. Stop by and pick up some winter vegetables and herbs!

Sneak peak.. Check out the new hydroponics and aquaponics lab and classroom at 811X!

There is good news from 811X.  They received a $5000 Golden Apple Award under TEAM UP to CLEAN UP as the High School Bronx winners. That is a big boost for their horticulture/gardening program.

See their award and photos (.pdf)

Thank you, Paula Lucas, for the news.